Monday, August 9, 2010

Love tank.

In order to understand me on any kind level beyond the surface,
one must understand a few things,
but one in particular.
Love and relationships are not something I have witnessed in the positive.

Today, I learned of the official demise of one of my oldest and dearest friend’s parents’ marriage.
This does not sound like a surprising notion today I realize,
but one must also know that I attended a very conservation and very Christian high school.
This family, so dear to my heart, falls distinctively in both of those categories.
It breaks my heart on so many levels,
to see a person who was always the most doting father peace out,
seemingly without a care.

Do people truly love one another anymore?

I have never experienced it,
or really seen it,
but I would really like to believe in it.

I am at the pathetic point of no longer enjoying many romantic stories,
because I find the concept so laughable.
If I ever had faith or hope in love,
the tank is running on light fumes.
Wish I knew where to stop to fill it up.
Finally feeling it for myself,
seems like it might be the only way.

Hate this feeling of such cynicism.
I love sarcasm and realism,
but not cynicism.

Wish that cure was easier to come by…

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Book club wonderings

Tunneling to the center of the earth
You can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning
The film club
Living dead in dallas
A treasury of southern folklore
The book of secrets: miracles ancient and modern
We have always lived in the castle
Dandelion wine
The young people's speaker
Twilight- william gay
The pillowman
Between the lines
Les fleurs du mal
The fountainhead
The grass harp
Music for chameleons
The ballad of the sad cafe
The heart is a lonely hunter
Wise blood.

Read a site recommending these books. Read any of them? Any suggestions of ones you enjoyed? Don't want to draw out of a hat :p