Monday, October 19, 2009

Squealing tea pot, mouth duck-taped, hands tied behind your back.

It is beyond sad to have such extreme emotions occur it reaction to ... dun dun dun.
A facebook album.
Before all thoughts go to boy-stalking,
rethink whose thoughts you are reading.
My entire being just filled with such complete sadness and jealousy,
my eyes even began to water.
This is unhealthy.
I suppose I have known this for years now.
You should have guessed by now,
seeing as to it is sadly mentioned in most if not all posts.
New York.
Pictures of my friend, visiting my friend, should in no way bring on such a strong reaction.
The number of solutions to this problem is unfortunately extremely close to zero.
Lets hope maybe this blog will be good practice in writing that magic essay,
that sets my sails in the luscious winds and waters of NYU Law School.
If not maybe there will be a window opening in the horizon of the plan B I never thought I would have.
Plan A has been around for so long,
maybe its time to think about taking the train in instead of a private jet.
Is it fair to begin entertaining the thoughts of allowing plan A chapter titles to fade from sharpie to pencil in the unwritten novel of my life.
I hope I enjoy its title as much as I do these.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Have you ever had all words taken straight from your mouth?
In such shock, that so many things are spinning through your head at once,
you cannot grasp onto one.
One person brings on more than others.
My mother.
If you know her you understand,
unless she is your therapist.
Once again I cannot even put it into words.
Blood pressure rising,
sedative needed,
these are a mother-daughter relationship.

Monday, October 12, 2009


The little things in life.
Yes, one of those cliches.
Unfortunately, they are so for a reason.
A compliment so small can mean oh so much.
Especially in correlation with something that brings such joy.

I thoroughly enjoy writing.
To add to the cliche, I learned that about myself in college.
Whether blogging, or just putting random sentences together on Word.
Every sentence makes me feel that much better inside.
The smile in my heart gets a little bigger with every tap of the keys.

I hope my future blogs, articles, and/or book will entertain more than just you and me.

Thank you, Megan.