Monday, June 29, 2009

Learning life

This summer has had no positive attributes accept for lessons learned.
Hello adulthood, nice to meet you.
I am happy about it though.
After this past week, getting to go home, I now know a very important fact.
Nashville will always be that initial 'home'.
Also, possibly even more importantly, New York City will be the only place worth it for me to drop everything and adore.
Other maybes are second place junctures such as Chicago.
That could be the only other.
I once thought California, but after this Florida experience I do not have much faith any longer in that being a good choice.
Basically, a theme to virtually all of these posts, New York it has been, is, and always will be you.
I cannot wait till I graduate.
I pray you are my graduation present.
All my love,

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

is blood thicker

My father has been here for nine days and I have never been more miserable.
My friends do nothing but bring me joy with only a minimal amount of strife, out of love however.

In this case if friends are considered water, it is much, much thicker.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Just a game?

Why do I care so much?
It is just a tennis match, between two people I have never met or seen before in my life.
So why do I care so much? Screams, kicks, hollers, and a cigarette with a loss.
Who knows why we care about what we do, but when Jankovic walks on court I can be sure there is a possibility of a near heart-attack experience.