Monday, November 30, 2009

Steinbeck and Classic Rock

Organized education is something I have never quite thought twice about,
until recently.
After dealing with inane professors and topics irrelevant to my existence,
I am becoming continually more against the concept.
Go figure I plan on a three-year post-graduate collegiate education.
The idea has never bothered me before because I enjoy learning,
but life is short.
How happy I would be to have the life of a wandering artist.
I find the thought of a completely unstructured life,
thoroughly appealing.
Luckily I don't have my heights set on getting married.
Not that I have ANY artistic abilities to speak of,
so talk about wishful thinking.
I daydream of another life,
not possible for me to live.
Instead I strive for the structured life of a lawyer.
Entertainment attached to the front gives it something,
I suppose.
How invigorating would it be to able to live a happy life,
and get an education by reading Steinbeck,
and jamming to such geniuses as Creedence Creekwater Revival, Zeppelin,
The Who, The Rolling Stone, Eric Clapton, etc.
I should have been an actor.
An Indie film actor to be specific.
No celebrity.
Now to mix it all together into the life I actually live,
and live it to the fullest.
So I continue striving for New York,
with my spare time filled with Steinbeck in hand,
and Classic Rock in the ears.

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